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Sniper Elite 4 Review (Minor Spoilers

Hello readers, and welcome to my Sniper Elite 4 review. I played this game through Game Pass on Xbox One X.

Plot: Story basically doesn't exist here. The only "meaningful" arcs through the fictional story that happen are so absolutely generic. You don't expect them but you aren't shocked at all when they happen. Honestly, if you only want to play it for a story mode, steer clear of this game.

Characters: If the story is nonexistent, so are the characters. The "characters", meaningless pixels on the screen, give you extra missions. Weaver will give you your main missions, and anyone else around will give you side missions. Conversations with these characters are annoying. The main character, meant to be American, has this ridiculously stereotypical voice for a soldier and everyone else sounds like they don't belong voice acting.

Game Play: This is where it's at! The sniping is pure excellency. You have three guns: Sniper, Primary, Secondary. Your primary is usually a SMG, Assault Rifle, or Trench Gun. Secondary is just pistols. This isn't Rifle Elite 4 or Pistol Elite 4 though. You come to this game for the incredible sniping. All of the different organs you can hit and all of the ways to kill with a Sniper Rifle. You can get kills at incredible lengths, even further than you would imagine.

Content: This is a small or big game, depending on how you play it. I did all of the missions, only failing two side missions throughout the entire game, and it took me 10 hours. If you do all of the challenges and get gold skins for your guns, it can jump to 20 hours. In general, it isn't a long video game.

Final Rating:

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